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    1.1 About CoinRepublik
    1.2 Basic indicators
    1.3 Press and comments
    1.4 Financial markets
    1.5 Game fund
    1.6 CoinRepublik token
    1.7 Afiliates
    1.8 Personal profile
    1.9 Premium citizens
    1.10 Travel, citizenship
2. Inventory
    2.1 Coins
    2.2 Products
    2.4 Bonds
3. Earn
    3.1 Workplaces
    3.2 Faucets
    3.3 Social networks
    3.4 Loans
    3.5 Pay to click (PTC)
4. Market
    4.1 Overview
    4.2 Products
    4.3 Assets
    4.4 Financial market
5. Trade
    5.1 Overview
    5.2 Margin markets
    5.3 Options
    5.4 Financial bets
    5.5 Bets
6. Companies
    6.1 Overview
    6.2 Starting and costs
    6.3 Production licences
    6.4 Workplaces
    6.5 Production process
    6.6 Shares and dividends
7. Politics
    7.1 Overview
    7.2 Congress
    7.3 Political parties
    7.4 Army
    7.5 War
7.3 Partidele politice

In fiecare tara non-privata exista minim un partid politic. Partidele politice poarta aceeasi denumire ca in viata reala. Reprezinta grupuri unde cei cu aceeasi orientare politica se intalnesc si se pot organiza. Un alt rol al unui partid politic este sa formeze viitori lideri care vor intra in componenta congresului. Nu toate partidele politice existente in viata reala au fost incluse in lista ci doar cele mai mari.
Nu poti sustine politic un cetatean decat daca este membru al partidului politic din care faci parte. Deasemenea ai nevoie de o influenta politica de minim 100 puncte pentru a putea sustine un coleg de partid. Poti sustine politic maxim 3 colegi de partid. Primii 10 cetateni ai unei tari in functie de sustinerea politica intra in componenta congresului. Pentru a sustine politic un coleg, mergi in pagina Politica / Congres si apasa butonul Sustine politic.
Odata inscris, nu poti fi exclus dintr-un partid politic la decizia membrilor asa cum se intampla in viata reala, dar poti iesi oricand dintr-un partid daca decizi asta.    
Partidele politice au un buget propriu si se auto-organizeaza. Pot lua decizii prin vot, pot primii donatii de la membri si primesc deasemenea bani de la bugetul de stat (5% din incasari). Partidele pot folosi banii pentru diverse actiuni cum ar fi recrutarea de mebri noi sau diverse plati. Orice deciziile la nivelul partidului se iau prin votul membrilor.
Spre deosebire de congres, votul membrilor in deciziile legate de partid nu este egal ci depinde de influenta politica a votantului. Orice membru cu o influenta politica de minim 1000 puncte poate initia o propunere noua. Propunerile in general misca sau aloca fonduri intre mebri partidului. Toate tranzactiile financiare ale unui partid politic, lista membrilor si alte detalii se pot gasi in pagina de prezentare (Politica / Partide).
Poti oricand sa iti retragi sustinerea politica a unui coleg din pagina Politica / Congres. Din aceasta cauza membrii congresului isi pot pierde aceasta calitate de la zi la zi.    
Pentru a te inscrie intr-un partid politic ai nevoie de o influenta politica de minim 100 puncte si bineinteles sa nu fii membru al altui partid politic. Nu poti fi membru in doua sau mai multe partide politice simultan. Pentru a te inscrie intr-un partid politic mergi in pagina de prezentare a partidului si apasa butonul "Inscriere".
In cazul in care vrei sa te inscrii in alt partid politic, va trebui sa iesi din actualul partid din care faci parte. Atunci cand parasesti un partid politic, influenta si sustinerea politica sunt resetate la zero. Decizia de a parasi un partid trebuie luata cu atentie deoarece iti poate aduce pierder pe viitor.
In cazul in care iti schimbi cetatenie, vei fi automat exclus din actualul partid, iar influenta politica, sustinerea politica si punctele militare vor fi reduse la zero.    


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Transactions in derivatives based on foreign exchange rates or the prices of precious metals, commodities or equity indices products carry a high degree of risk. Any transaction involving these products is exposed to, among other things, changes in a country's economic condition or political climate as well as acts of nature or terrorism - each of which may substantially affect the price or availability of the these derivatives. Speculative trading in derivate products is a challenging prospect with a high level of risk. You must therefore carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and appetite for such risk prior to trading these products. Most importantly, do not invest money that you are not in a position to lose. In addition, trading on a margin basis means that any market movement will have a magnified effect on your deposited funds. This can work against you as well as for you. The possibility exists that you could sustain a total loss of all the funds you have deposited. PipsTycoon's trading system is designed to automatically liquidate all open positions if your margin deposit is in jeopardy so that you cannot lose more than the funds you have on deposit in your account. We encourage you to employ such risk-reducing strategies as 'stop-loss' or 'stop-limit' orders, but you should be aware that market conditions may make it impossible to close out your order at the level specified. There are also risks associated with using an Internet-based trade execution software application including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware and software. ANNO1777 Labs maintains ‘back up’ systems and contingency plans to minimise the possibility of system failure. Before deciding to trade, you should become aware of all the risks associated with leveraged productstrading, and seek advice from an independent and suitably licensed financial advisor. Under no circumstances shall we have any liability to any person or entity for (a) any loss or damage in whole or part caused by, resulting from, or relating to any transactions related to your trading operations any direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages whatsoever.
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